Fruit Lab Apps

听果FM电台 1.3.3
Fruit Lab
听果——你的精品手机随身听!和其他听书产品不同,这里只有为你精挑细选的高品质内容!听果——这里是满满的正能量!没有“乱七八糟”的内容,有的是文化、智慧、哲理和品味。听果——百万用户的最终选择大家说:不求全,但贵精!国风界面,简洁易用,在线收听,批量下载收听免费,wifi下载,不花流量不花钱!【用户评价】——内容——“很有内涵。用过的最好的听书软件。” by 森家小猫“内容高雅,不同于其他听读物,很喜欢,每天听半小时收获颇丰。” by 爱主的人“好音质,好题材。值得拥有。” by 小牛——软件——“很棒的听书软件,用了快2年了,强烈推荐!” by 倩倩威武“很好,界面简单,使用方便。没有奇怪的内容,给小孩听也很放心。” by su200211“特好,下载快,全,更新也及时,特多得有声书小说,好听好玩” by 小麦个人——场景——“是我手机中使用频率非常高的软件,无论散步、做家务的时候,都可以听。” by szpenghua“更新快,内容风格明确且延续,涵盖细分内容多,是有价值的有声学习材料,适合宁静环境下使用” by angelina1130“谢谢你陪我度过眼睛难受的时光,并让我增加不少知识!” by 鼓眼睛的青蛙【内容简介】有声小说:《盗墓笔记》《藏海花》《沙海》《鬼吹灯》《花千骨》《凡人修仙传》…新闻谈话:《财经郎眼》《锵锵三人行》《今晚80后脱口秀》《罗辑思维》《晓松奇谈》…郭德纲相声:《老师来了》《爱情传奇》《追着幸福跑》《屌丝青年》…德云社相声:《欢乐今宵》《酒色财气》《保安队的日子》《车在囧途》《幸福在哪里》…传统相声:《马三立全集》《侯宝林全集》《刘宝瑞全集》《马志明全集》…有声文学:《白鹿原》《平凡的世界》《无知者无畏》《看上去很美》《我与地坛》《鲁迅》…评书:《三国演义》《东汉演义》《雍正剑侠图》《水浒传》《红楼梦》《封神演义》…国学:《史记》《国学堂》《国学开讲》《钱文忠解读“弟子规”》《国风大赏》…讲座:《易中天品三国》《于丹“论语”心得》《腾飞五千年》《王立群读宋史》…纪录:《大国崛起》《货币》《公司的力量》《华尔街》《十八大》《档案》…【我们的联系方式】----------------------------------新浪微博:腾讯微博:微信公共平台:tgg365意见反馈: [email protected]商务合作: [email protected]招聘简历: [email protected] fruit - YourMobile Phone Walkman!Listen to different books and other products, there is only youcarefully selected high-quality content!Listen fruit - here is full of positive energy!No "mess" content, some cultural, intellectual, philosophical andtaste.Listen fruit - the ultimate choice of millions of usersWe say: not perfection, but you are fine!MAK interface, simple to use, online listening, batchdownloadListen for free, wifi download, do not spend no money flow![User rating]- Content -"Very content. The best software used to listen to the book." ByMori kitten home"Content elegance, unlike other books listen to, like, half an houra day listening rewarding." By people who love the Lord"Good quality, good subject. Worth having." By Mavericks- Software -"Great software to listen to books, spent nearly two years, it isstrongly recommended!" By mighty Qianqian"Well, the interface is simple and easy to use. No strange contentsalso very reassuring for the children to listen to." Bysu200211"Especially good, fast download, all, updates are timely andTrinidad and Tobago have audiobook fiction, nice fun" by wheatPersonal- Scene -"I was a very high frequency of use of mobile phone software,whether walking, doing housework, you can listen to." Byszpenghua"Updated quickly, content style clear and continue to cover abreakdown and more valuable audio learning materials for use undera peaceful environment" by angelina1130"Thank you to accompany me through the eyes uncomfortable time, andso I added a lot of knowledge!" By drum eye frog[Introduction]Audiobook: "Tomb," "possession of the sea flower", "sand" "GhostBlows," "spend one thousand bone" "mortal Cultivation Biography"...News Talk: "Financial Lang eye", "Qiang Qiang" "Tonight talk showafter 80", "Luo Ji thinking" "Xiaosong Qi on" ...Guo Degang comic: "The teacher is coming" "Legend of Love", "happychasing run" "Cock wire youth" ...Devon Social comic: "Entertainment Tonight," "the cardinal vices""security team day" "car in the embarrassing way," "Where IsHappiness" ...Traditional dialogue: "Ma Sanli Complete Works", "Hou BaolinComplete Works" "The Complete Works of Liu Baorui" "Franco CompleteWorks" ...Sound Literature: "White Deer" "Ordinary World" "Mozhizhemowei""looks beautiful." "I and Ditan" "Lu Xun" ...Storytelling: "Three Kingdoms", "Han Kingdoms" and "Yongzhengswordsman map", "Outlaws of the Marsh", "Dream of Red Mansions","Gods" ...Chinese culture: "Historical Records", "National Academy" "Nationallecturing" "Qian Wenzhong interpretation of" Rules "," "NationalWind Award" ...Lecture: "Yi Zhongtian Three Kingdoms", "Yu Dan" The Analects"experience" "off five thousand years," "Wang Liqun Reading Song"...History: "great nation", "Money", "power company" "Wall Street","eighteen", "File" ...[Our] contact  ----------------------------------  Sina Weibo:  Tencent microblogging:  Micro-channel public platform: tgg365  Feedback: [email protected]  Business cooperation: [email protected]  Job resume: [email protected]  ----------------------------------